Social Network Mapping, Part III: Importing data to Kumu

In Part I, we scraped data about books and their borrowers from Dissenting Academies Online; in Part II, we wrangled that data into shape using Google Sheets. Now it’s time to download that wrangled data so we can upload it to Kumu to visualize the connections between books and borrowers (and, by extension, the connections between people that those books might have forged).  Continue reading “Social Network Mapping, Part III: Importing data to Kumu”

Professor buys her own copy of a book used on Amazon

Last week, one of my Facebook friends reported her improbable experience of buying a replacement for a book of literary criticism that had gone missing from her shelves about five years ago. When the package arrived and she got it back to her office, she opened the book to find her own name and the date she had bought the book: the replacement copy turned out to be the very copy that she had been seeking to replace. Continue reading “Professor buys her own copy of a book used on Amazon”