April 3rd, 2017 Final Project Update

This week Loganne is working on putting the Storyline JS part of the project together, while I continue to work on designing the website and get some pictures taken. The hardest problem we’re having this week is figuring out a time that we can go to our special collections together. Our schedules don’t match up this week so I’m probably going to have to go and get whatever pictures I can by myself this week and take some of us together next week or when we have a chance. It’s registration time on our campus right now so everything is crazy and kind of stressful. We’re powering through, though! We’re hoping to have Storyline JS completed this week.

March 27, 2017 Update on Final Project

Time for weekly updates!

Loganne and I have found the majority of the information we are going to use for the final project. We were to our archives last week and found about 15 books from the 19th century that we are going to use to find a comparison between where they were originally published versus where Nolan Moore bought them at auction. It didn’t take us as long as we thought it would, considering we gave our selves two weeks to do our research and it took us about two hours. Always better to give yourself more time than not enough! I am working on website design now and Loganne is working on making our maps. We’re hoping to have most of this done this week, but it might go into next. I feel really confident in where we are at with our project and am excited for us to do a little more research on it to learn more of the history behind the collection!