Update: IRB

We forgot to mention in the previous post that we have done some digging on what the requirements  for the IRB are concerning Oral History. In planning this project, we discovered that there is a lot of Oral History that we want to include from Pam Allison to local restaurant owners. The ability to go straight to the source and ask questions is one we decided we did not want to take for granted. However, there are regulations surrounding Oral History that we need to be aware of.

Thankfully, it is not going to be as hard to include our interviews as first thought. The UNC Asheville IRB has not included Oral History in the list of things they need to review for a few years now. We will need to ask our interviewees to sign a release form allowing us to use their statements, but will not need to go through a more formal process than that.

Getting Started

Hello all! This week for us is the foundation building week where we organize and set up everything before diving in. Currently we are using the former project websites as a guide for setting up the layout of ours. (Most of those pages will be private until we at least have a description up of what will be on those pages.)

Up by tomorrow Friday will be the page with our individual summaries about ourselves and our personal interest in this project. We have contacted both Professor Locklear and Pam Allison about the project. While on a research break this semester, Professor Locklear pointed us to some additional cookbooks and resources that might help us connect all of these threads together. Pam Allison has agreed to a meeting where we can ask her questions pertaining to her personal thoughts on this project and to the reasons she began collecting cookbooks in the first place.

I (Dakota) have started moving the information from the catalogue of cookbooks into Zotero so that we can begin to manipulate the data, and both Kinsey and I have an appointment at Special Collections tomorrow to get our hands on the books and pick the brains of our wonderful archivists.